Pre-Care Instructions

Following these instructions prior to your procedure will help ensure a more relaxed, comfortable, and enjoyable experience.


Please eat something 20-30 minutes prior to your slotted appointment time. Something higher in glucose, as  this keeps your blood sugar regular and helps you to feel more comfortable during your appointment.

Avoid caffeine 2-3 hours prior to your appointment. Caffeine is a stimulant and will heighten your sensitivity and prompt blood flow (which we want to keep at a minimum) 

 If you are on blood thinners please let Koko know prior to your appointment. 

Avoid tanning for a 10 day period leading up to procedure.

Alcohol, Caffeine Advil and Nicotinecan cause excessive bleeding , which can result in poor healed results. Do not consume at least 48 hours before procedure.  Use within 48 hours of your appointment at your own risk.


By following  these instructions it Will make a big difference in the outcome of your procedure, and your overall experience during the procedure. The key with these instructions is to help ensure properly healed result as much as possible.

Also important to note, that during and or close to your time of the month, this may or can result in increased sensitivity during the procedure and 24 hours following.